In Autumn 2019 EPA used a 3-week Testing Grounds residency to explore ecologies of the city, develop skills and share our work. Individual members of EPA used the site and the surrounding streets and parkland of Southbank and the CBD to question their own practice and document their process and discoveries:
What are my interests and strategies for site-based ecological performance? Can I find new ways? What are new ways to involve audiences? What might we learn by sharing our processes with members of the public? We invited the public to share in close-range sensory observation of features of Melbourne CBD spaces, to join walking activities, to create their own performance responses to sites that drew their attention. Our investigations included a late night visit to CBD locations where, only over time, if at all, was it apparent that what was proceeding was performance or research. At the end of the residency we made a public exhibition of our work and documentation accompanied by impromptu performances around the Testing Grounds site, and ran a free public forum discussing ecological, site-based performance. |
Photos by Gretel Taylor and Bronwen Kamasz
Photos by Laki Sideris
Walk, Wait, Lean, Ride - how to find rest and ease in a busy metropolis.